When Judges Kill [Cases] – Looking Back At Lattimore

The Court In Unhappier Days

Washington’s Federal Courthouse was the scene of some of the final acts in the Lattimore drama, where twice the presiding judge in the case threw out the government’s principal charges, gutting the case.

On May 12th the court will revisit Lattimore, with the Historical Society of the District of Columbia Circuit and the Litigation Section of the District of Columbia Bar staging a re-enactment of parts of the case, and an overview of its significance.  Several participants played small rolls in Lattimore back in the day:

Patricia M. Wald, former Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit who was with Lattimore’s Arnold, Fortas &  Porter defense team,

G. Duane (Bud) Vieth, still with Arnold & Porter, the firm’s successor,

Berl Bernhard, former clerk for Judge Luther Youngdahl, who sank the government’s case.

Also participating will be conservative legal legend Miguel Estrada, whose DC Appeals Court nomination by George W. Bush was filibustered by Senate Democrats.  Despite his nomination’s failure, the Estrada is still in the fight, writing a stirring defense of the 2009 coup in his Honduran homeland.

I’m gonna guess he plays the prosecution.

McCarthyism’s High Tide: Owen Lattimore In The Dock

Morris Don’t Bore Us

Thanks to the oddly webpaged Public.Resource.Org we can once again enjoy McCarran Committee counsel Robert Morris doing a victory lap the day the Committee called Owen Lattimore a “conscious, articulate instrument of the Communist conspiracy” .

It was downhill from there, as the Committee’s careful assemblige of free-floating factoids and fanciful history failed to withstand scrutiny or contact with the courts. Â