Benghazi’s True Victim: Joe McCarthy!


From West Allis To North Africa:      mccarthyismthefightforamerica


Latest to call McCarthy Victimization is  Mary A. Nicholas.  We are apparently now at the point where pointing to the vaporous nature of the Right’s Benghazi claims is synonymous with calling McCarthyism, which is to Play The Victim, despite which never mind ’cause McCarthy Was Right!

Canada Free Press [because borders can’t hold back crazy?] brings us the stylings of Nicholas, fresh with the latest version of an old favorite:  Reds Mean To McCarthy!

Nicolas wants to claim McCarthy was picked on, but she has McCarthy’s whimsical relation to the truth to defend, and does it poorly.

Did you know the term “McCarthyism” was the spawn of the Reds?

“ put “McCarthyism” in perspective, the word itself was coined by the KGB in Moscow and first used in The Daily Worker, the communist party’s newspaper. The campaign against “McCarthyism”was initiated by Gus Hall in 1950 at a special session of the National Committee of the Communist Party and endorsed by Stalin himself in 1952. (Budenz, The Bolshevik Invasion of the West,124)”

KGB “coinage”  Nicolas fluffs, linking to another Canada Freeper whose only direct claim of KGB authorship is that they invented the J.Edgar Hoover cross -dressing story.

Daily Worker first use is dis-proven by the man himself

“Gus Hall (who has since been jailed) officially proclaimed that all Communist Party members must “yield second place to none in the fight to rid our country of the fascist poison of McCarthyism” (Daily Worker, May 4, 1950). “

This date is a month after Owen Lattimore used the term.

In an earlier version McCarthy shot in all directions, claiming Lattimore used it first, then he blamed the Reds and claimed that “40 top Communists” invented McCarthyism at a meeting in New York.  That story came to McCarthy from Howard Rushmore and Harvey Matusow, a reporter and an ex-FBI informant who collaborated for a melodramatic series on Matusow’s Party adventures before both went on McCarthy’s staff.


But in their version it was a group of Commie reporters who devised the scheme, gladly yielding second place because “the face of the party must be hidden at all times.”  Leaving aside the likelihood of a large party gathering in a period when most of the CP leadership was in jail, about to be, or on the run, Matusow later admitted he’d invented most of what he told McCarthy.

And cartoonist Herblock named the Ism in March, beating all contenders. mccarthyismherblock


Dead Witness Against Lattimore Proves Obama Birthers’ Case


Birthers, The Blues: Orly Orly Incoming!  

A dead former witness against Owen Lattimore  has become the latest proof for Barack Obama birther  fantasies.

Serial legal fraudster Orly Taitz is shoehorning Harvey Matusow into her failed crusade against Obama’s fitness to hold office.  Matusow was a former Communist and a witness against Owen Lattimore who later recanted his testimony.  He married a Mormon supporter of Senator Joseph McCarthy and joined the church, staying with it until his death in 2002.

Despite this Come To Jesus activity Taitz pretends to believe Matusow somehow remained with the Communists, and that he passed the gene to his alleged cousin, a Honolulu woman named Lynne Matusow. Lynne Matusow certified Obama’s candidacy as Hawaii Democratic Party Secretary, putting her at the center of Taitz’s rich fantasy life.

“We know how tight Dunhams and Obamas are to all of this communist mafia. My gut feeling is that there were plenty of connections prior to Lynn Matusow agreeing to taking a risk of going to prison for falsification of an attestation of the Presidential Candidate.”

    Taitz had nothing on Harvey before throwing out this savvy legal argument:

“My gut feeling is that Lynn Matusow is somehow connected to Harvey Matusow.Here is his bio in WIKI. He was a part of the Communist party of the USA and testified at the Committee for anti american activities. Considering how rare Matusow name is and the pedigree, I am 99.9% sure there is a connection.”

Perhaps her fevers got the better of her:

Taitz’s attention to detail shows in her missing a vowel in Lynne Matusow’s name, and in a later document dump that shows no apparent connection between Lynne and Harvey Matusow.

Left unexamined by Taitz are Matusow’s apparent links to ukulele enthusiasts    and membership of a suspiciously Marxist sounding “Central Committee.”